New York Library – AR Installation

Education Above All (EAA) is a global foundation protecting the right of children and youth to quality education. So when founder, Her Highness of Qatar (Sheikha Moza bint Nasser), asked Two Goats to connect guests of her gala to over 70 foundation schools worldwide – we were elated.

Our location-based Augmented Reality platform provides a frictionless bridge between physical and digital worlds and enhances brand experiences at scale. In very little time, our creative team designed and built this eye-catching installation at the New York Public Library in support of the Gala.
The AR installation enables guests to truly see what model classrooms look like in different parts of the world. Transporting guests into these environments designed to be the “anchor” of their community.

The AR experience included a 14′ x 8′ map of the world on a section of a wall at the reception gala, New York Pubic Library, where guests position an iPad camera over the country or territory, and are taken to one of 70 classrooms or villages in that community positively affected by the work of EAA.
- 10MILEnrollment & Retention Goal
- 250Delegates
- 71Projects
- 50Countries